Why every festival-going parent should get a SnoozeShade

Sleep is good!

Believe it or not, babies and kids DO sleep at festivals.

The fresh air knocks them out good and proper if they are given a comfy buggy and a bit of shade.  I found my 4 year old at Glastonbury last year taking 2 hour afternoon naps in an Urban Detour buggy even though she dropped naps at 2 and half years old!

However, with so much activity going on babies and toddlers can get over-stimulated so need a little help nodding off. Throw over a blanket on the buggy and little fingers pull it off, or the wind catches it and sends it flying over to another stage, put anything too heavy over the buggy  (I have been known to use a picnic blanket in the past!!) and the poor child overheats and wakes up grumpy – SOLUTION… Ta Daaaah: the SnoozeShade – a blackout blind for buggies, car seats and pushchairs.

Now I was previously one of those Shade-a-Babe loving mums, but they are bulky and the Velcro catches on everything, so when a SnoozeShade arrived at Festival Kidz HQ my world was transformed overnight.

Lightweight (stuffs into a little pouch that you can chuck in the buggy pocket), easy to fix to any buggy, UV protection, and a zippy thing to peek into the buggy when bubs is sound asleep – brilliant!  No wonder it won so many awards.