What’s on for families?
The Fairyland Trust have just released tickets to their Autumn event The Real Halloween. This truely magical event celebrates Autumn in all it’s beauty and Halloween, without the plastic and the horror and will enchant rather than scare. As with all Fairyland Trust events, there is a strong emphasis on nature and respect for it and the workshops are centered around educating children about the environment. Children can make a Magic Wand, a Witches Pet (a bat) a Magic Potion, Wizard’s Shield and new for this year a Witches Messenger (owl). The Wildlife Hospital, where children can tend to cuddly creatures under the guidance of the magical vets is also back and is a bookable session.
There is a free trail to follow in the woods where you can learn about the magical powers of different trees along the way. Also you can help make a Fairy Banquet or a Special Brew in the Witches Kitchen which are also situated in the woods and you can drop in and take part free of charge.
You can also make a jam jar lantern for £2 or colour and post a special Halloween postcard from the infamous Pixie Post for £1.
The Wizard Games may include Apple Bobbing, Sugar Beet Shot Putt, Broomstick Javelin and the like and will be a great way for you to help raise funds for the Trust’s wonderful work.
The Halloween Café will be serving cakes and hot drinks, and will feature Root Vegetable decorations, as this year we are embracing the original British tradition of making a Jack-o-Lantern from local Root Crops.
A special mulled spicy apple juice from Norfolk orchards will be available in the The Good Elf pub, and a range of hand made and ethically sourced crafts, local foods and other things will be on sale in the Market.
The entire event is held on the lawn and in the old woods at Holt Hall under an array of lovely marquees, with fire braziers to keep you warm, live music, storytelling and shows (all free) including the Pirate Panto to keep you entertained.
Each day ends with the telling of the Real Halloween Story in the woods, although there is also an earlier telling in the Story Tent for those who can’t wait.
Tickets and bookable workshops went on sale on the 13th September to the general public.
This is one of the most wonderful and unique events so we advise booking early, the event sold out last year. Keep checking the website for details.