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Festival Kidz was formed in 2010 and run by Naomi since 2013. The site is written by people passionate about going to music festivals with their kids to help, inspire and support newbie families who want to give festival-going a go.
Many parents haven’t even considered the notion of taking children to a music festival, so we want to show that it is not only possible to go to a festival with your children but it can be a great deal of fun too!
All the contributors on this site are unpaid, but we are given press tickets in return for reviews. However all our writers are festival going parents and provide honest reviews – the organisers do not edit our work and we will not compromise this. If a festival organiser is unhappy with the review the only thing we offer is to take it down.
Those that run this website do it for their love of taking their children to festivals, and sharing that love and their experiences with other like-minded families. Most years we barely cover our costs. So if Festival Kidz has been helpful to you would you be able to help us with our running costs?
Any income generated goes towards the hosting and administrative costs of keeping the site running, so please support us if you can. Most product links are affiliate links and may earn us a small commission, again this goes towards our operating costs, so please click through on them where you can. After many years of self-funding we’re finding it harder to meet our costs, so without your help we will not be able to survive.
Want to sponsor us? We are looking into the possibility of a key sponsor for the website – if your business or brand is in line with our ethos and fits our family audience please contact
Who are Festival Kidz?
Owner and Editor: Naomi Jones
Social Media: Sarah Ryman
Website Developer: Anthony Jones
Reviews Team
Adam Tatton-Reid | Catherine Prescott | Kirsty Sharrock | Lisa Claire | Lisa Mills | Rachael Scott | Tor Peabonce
Additional writers and contributors:
Romany Greatrex |Louise Carron Harris |Emma Parkes-McQueen | Lisa Onykahonie | Mike Hogan | Vashti Zarach | Heather Stanton | Lucille McLellan | Kirsty Dersons | Claire Archbold | Alli Scott | Karon Louise Bell |Amber Burrows | Susan Miller
We welcome guest blogs from other festival goers too. If you have some thoughts to share then get scribbling and send them to, please include pictures, video or audio where possible.
If you’d like to be a bigger part of Festival Kidz by joining our team of regular contributors please email – we will be delighted to hear from you!
Please add your own family’s experiences as comments to our festival reviews – it will help parents to know which festivals are right for their family.