What to wear at festivals if you’re pregnant?

Normally for a festival I don’t go in for the festival “fashion” that the magazines suggest. (Why, why, why would you ever wear a maxi dress to a festival?! It’s probably the most impractical thing to wear apart from those dreadful playsuits!).
Now that I am pregnant again, I thought I’d better give a little thought to a good festival pregnancy outfit. (Click link for my other post on Pregnant Festivalling)
I’m not bothered about looking like Kate Moss, Sienna Miller et al while ambling round a potentially muddy site. I just want to be as comfortable as possible and at the same time a bit colourful. In fact when I first started going to festivals there wasn’t really a fashion, it was just all about the comfort then I went to V and saw all these girls dressed up like they were at the TV Quick awards and thought why?
Now I am pregnant and have ballooned in certain areas, I can no longer fit into my usual festival uniform which consisted of the following:
- black M&S built in bra vest top
- cheap black skirt, tight (nothing long or too floaty cos it could go in the smelly loos or get covered in mud)
- punky fish hooded top
- various colours of stripy tights (although these may fit)
- zip up black boots with a heel, great for stomping through mud and toilet scenarios
I have always gone for this sort of get up cos everything is so tight and doesn’t reveal gaps it keeps you warm. These clothes are only worn for these purposes so if they get trashed I’m not really bothered.

So I went on the look out for a cheap, plain black maternity dress that would suffice and do much the same job as my usual festival clothes.
Cue New Look found the most fab black dress, very simple and could be teamed with anything, also could spend all weekend in it and it wouldn’t show up the dirt 😉 also got a lovely pink one which could be worn with leggings or denim cut-offs. Both were half price as well so that was a real bonus! There are also some yumptious maternity clothes at Crave Maternity, but perhaps not so suitable for festival wear… anyway, I digress…
Pregnant festival fashion is the same as regular pregnancy fashion really, comfort is the key.
1. Comfy footwear – I got myself some Karrimor walking shoes for £20 a few months ago, they are very comfy and keep your feet warm when you need. It is important to have comfy feet at festival but even more so when you are pregnant. I will also have my Karrimor sandals with me, they are very comfy although I do look like a big hippy in them. Wellies, although not terribly comfortable are a must have, even if they just stay in the car boot. Cotswold Outdoor do a great range of footwear for being outdoors.
2. Warm jumper for night time- get yourself a massive fleece or hoodie, Sports direct have lots for around a tenner and if you have a big bump covers them very well.
3. Layers – when you are pregnant you tend to feel hotter than non pregnant people so in the daytime especially layer up with thin layers.
4. Elasticated everything – leggings that go up over your bump to keep it snug, tops or dresses that cover you completely so no gaps, also loose stuff is essential if you are anything like me and prone to bloating (I am one of these people that swells in pregnancy!)
5. A big hat – they look good and they keep the sun off your head, I have a white stetson festooned with flowers this year
6. Raincoat or poncho in a larger size – I have a Peter Storm jacket I got in a sale years ago, it’s two sizes too big but that means more room.
And here’s the pink one – equally comfy but a tad more colourful!