Big Brill Camp

No dates

Location: Brill, Buckinghamshire


Big Brill Camp is a family camping weekend with some great live music and activities at a beautiful location just outside Brill village.

It is a fund raising event for Brill School PTA and is open to everyone.

The Big Brill Camp is all about the great outdoors – it’s on a fantastic site where kids can go off exploring, play ball games and generally let off steam.

Expect face painting, fire staff spinning, poi and other entertainments.

On Saturday morning there’s a treasure hunt and in the afternoon there will be a tug-of-war competition for the whole family.

KaSo Studios will be running a number of workshops over the weekend for children of all ages, including Street Dance, Free Running and Musical Theatre.

Grown-ups can relax and soothe any aches and pains with a yoga session.  There are also various holistic and pampering treatments available to book.

The very small people have not been overlooked either, with a dedicated toddler area equipped with suitable toys.