Alex James presents Harvest


LATEST NEWS – 5/10/11

Big Wheel Promotions has gone into liquidation… as yet we have no confirmation what this means for the future of Harvest (both AJ and Jimmy’s) or what it means for those who have already bought their Early Bird tickets for 2012.

Location: Kingham, Oxfordshire

Size: around 10,000 per day

New for 2011 – Held at ex-Blur bassist Alex James’ Farm in the Cotswolds, this is the new sister festival for the family favourite Harvest at Jimmy’s.  Organised by the same lovely team of people at Big Wheel, expect this to be another great family friendly festival, where good food and great music collide.

kids cookery workshops

What’s on for kids?

Keeping the children entertained all weekend is just as important to Harvest as providing us bigger kids with delicious dishes and a stellar music line up.

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Alex James presents Harvest 2011 Review

kids on E2011 AJPH Weather: A mixture of sunshine, showers, cloud and a LOT of wind!

Review by: Clairem (with 2 yr old)

Getting to the festival:

Easy to get in. SatNav co-ordinates worked. No queues at all. Well organised. Camping looked nice and spacious and there was a tent that kids could play in which is a fab idea. We did have camping tickets but wimped out as we thought the weather was going to turn.

Entertainment – Line up and Kids Activities:

Line up was good. Some kids stuff you had to pay for but my little boy was too young for that. We finally (after many festivals) got in to see Charlie and Lola‘s Best Bestest play and were not disappointed. We made cheesecake in Kiddy Cook which tasted good although my son told one of the chefs it was yuck, made some clay food, played at circus skills and loved The Orange Hat and the interactiveness and puppets. Read more…

Alex James presents Harvest


LATEST NEWS – 5/10/11

Big Wheel Promotions has gone into liquidation… as yet we have no confirmation what this means for the future of Harvest (both AJ and Jimmy’s) or what it means for those who have already bought their Early Bird tickets for 2012.

Location: Kingham, Oxfordshire

Size: around 10,000 per day

New for 2011 – Held at ex-Blur bassist Alex James’ Farm in the Cotswolds, this is the new sister festival for the family favourite Harvest at Jimmy’s.  Organised by the same lovely team of people at Big Wheel, expect this to be another great family friendly festival, where good food and great music collide.

kids cookery workshops

What’s on for kids?

Keeping the children entertained all weekend is just as important to Harvest as providing us bigger kids with delicious dishes and a stellar music line up.

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Alex James presents Harvest 2011 Review

kids on E2011 AJPH Weather: A mixture of sunshine, showers, cloud and a LOT of wind!

Review by: Clairem (with 2 yr old)

Getting to the festival:

Easy to get in. SatNav co-ordinates worked. No queues at all. Well organised. Camping looked nice and spacious and there was a tent that kids could play in which is a fab idea. We did have camping tickets but wimped out as we thought the weather was going to turn.

Entertainment – Line up and Kids Activities:

Line up was good. Some kids stuff you had to pay for but my little boy was too young for that. We finally (after many festivals) got in to see Charlie and Lola‘s Best Bestest play and were not disappointed. We made cheesecake in Kiddy Cook which tasted good although my son told one of the chefs it was yuck, made some clay food, played at circus skills and loved The Orange Hat and the interactiveness and puppets. Read more…