How to keep track of your kids at night
So you and your friends have pitched up for the evening near the main stage with the picnic blankets and chairs – the sun goes down and the kids are running round the chairs dancing and playing… before long darkness falls and it’s easy to lose sight of the kids when you’ve got one eye on the band.
TOP TIP – Lights, Lights, Lights!… dress those children up like Christmas trees – they’ll love it, and you can see them for miles… and if you have more than 2 kids you can even colour code them 🙂
There are several things you can use to light your kids up at night. We no longer recommend glow sticks and are removing them from all our posts. They contain chemicals and are one use only. Much better to buy reusable lights such as fiber optic hair clips, flashing dreadlocks, butterfly wing boppers and light up fairy wings.
If you are careful, you can attach a strong set of battery-operated or solar fairy lights to your child’s coat and put the power pack into their pocket. Obviously common sense and caution must be used here so no wrapping wires around necks or places that are likely to cause problems if they get caught on something and pulled tight.
The best option is EL Wire. If you are an uber-cool and well-prepared parent you’ll do your research and buy some EL wire and painstakingly sew it onto your kid’s coat before the festival! If you are a more last-minute sort of parent then you’ll order it 2 days before the festival and then wind it into a loop around your child’s head (sort of a like a glow in the dark wreath) and pop the battery pack into their coat pocket to save you the sewing time.
This EL stuff is awesome – it glows like there’s no tomorrow and will make your child really stand out from the dancing crowd no matter how dark it gets. We like EL Wire a lot! You can also get flexible EL panels on some clothing and accessories like caps, bags and t-shirts.
If you have a buggy or wagon with you, then you should definitely think about lighting that up too, otherwise you may have lots of merry souls tripping over it! (We’ve got a blog about that too: Woohaa – Space Buggy!)
An illuminated buggy also makes it easy for your children to pick you out – it works both ways you know…