OK so it might not be Spring quite yet, but I am starting to feel the stirrings of excitement build in anticipation!
The last couple of weeks have been filled with festivals making announcements regarding headliners and line-ups, and I must confess I like the feeling that brings.
Although some parts of the country still have snow and Spring doesn’t officially get here until March 20th, it does feel as though there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.
I have missed the great outdoors and all the wonderment it brings. We have, like most, spent time sledging, snowman building and having snowball fights… however, there have also been times when even the hardiest of us must admit that the call of a marshmallow and cream filled hot chocolate, on the sofa watching a good film, has been hard to resist!
Admittedly 2012 wasn’t the best Summer we’ve had weather wise but it’s funny how quickly you forget some of the downpours and mud covered belongings (and children) and just reminisce about the fun filled experiences we had as a family!
Looking back at the photographs it’s hard to tell that the sun was not always shining. We all have that glow about us and somehow look extremely tanned and healthy – unlike right now when I have to admit pinching my cheeks just to try and get a bit of colour added to a somewhat pasty looking complexion! I for one can’t wait for that vitamin D hit, and knowing it’s not long now fills me with joy.
So what now… as much as attending Festivals brings joy, excitement, happiness and good times, booking them is always a big part of the overall experience.
Deciding which ones to do is all part of the excitement, it always brings us together as a family. Sitting down together to discuss which ones each one of us would like to do and why. Whether choosing one because we have done it before and can’t bear the thought of missing it this year, or finding a new one that fits into place due to its location and date, the thought of having something to look forward to puts a smile on everyone’s face.
So now I can see the light and once again have something to look forward to! Have you?
Don’t forget, if you would like help deciding which family friendly festival suits you, check out our Festival Map and Calendar – and if you would like any further information the Festival Kidz team are always happy to help.