Choosing Festivals
Links to Festival Guides
In alphabetical order, here are the links to all of our Festival Factsheets aimed at festival goers with Families, incorporating links to the all-important Parent Reviews/Comments.
Our Writers’ Favourite Festivals 2016
Now we know which festivals are your favourites, but what do our writers think?
Here are some of our Festival Kidz writers, their favourite festivals and the new festival they are each trying this year!
Please note all opinions stated below are those of our writers, who are all volunteers, and do not necessarily represent those of Festival Kidz! Read more…
I can see the light!
OK so it might not be Spring quite yet, but I am starting to feel the stirrings of excitement build in anticipation!
The last couple of weeks have been filled with festivals making announcements regarding headliners and line-ups, and I must confess I like the feeling that brings.
Although some parts of the country still have snow and Spring doesn’t officially get here until March 20th, it does feel as though there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.
How to choose the right festival for your family
and is a festival the right place for you?
There’s no denying that taking children to a music festival can be very hard work, and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea – but for those uber cool, let’s have it, this is how we roll type of parent (that’s you) you might take the plunge and hopefully find the rewards are well worth the effort. Accept that you won’t see everything you would see if you didn’t have children with you, get in the festival spirit of what will be will be, and let the adventures begin…
Links to Festival Guides
In alphabetical order, here are the links to all of our Festival Factsheets aimed at festival goers with Families, incorporating links to the all-important Parent Reviews/Comments.
I can see the light!
OK so it might not be Spring quite yet, but I am starting to feel the stirrings of excitement build in anticipation!
The last couple of weeks have been filled with festivals making announcements regarding headliners and line-ups, and I must confess I like the feeling that brings.
Although some parts of the country still have snow and Spring doesn’t officially get here until March 20th, it does feel as though there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.
Our Writers’ Favourite Festivals 2016
Now we know which festivals are your favourites, but what do our writers think?
Here are some of our Festival Kidz writers, their favourite festivals and the new festival they are each trying this year!
Please note all opinions stated below are those of our writers, who are all volunteers, and do not necessarily represent those of Festival Kidz! Read more…
How to choose the right festival for your family
and is a festival the right place for you?
There’s no denying that taking children to a music festival can be very hard work, and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea – but for those uber cool, let’s have it, this is how we roll type of parent (that’s you) you might take the plunge and hopefully find the rewards are well worth the effort. Accept that you won’t see everything you would see if you didn’t have children with you, get in the festival spirit of what will be will be, and let the adventures begin…