Not all festivals are good environments for children!
A friend of mine took her toddler and young baby to Reading festival last summer – she was desperate to see Guns and Roses… BIG mistake
It was fine in the day but when the sun went down, and the headliners failed to show up, the hostile crowd did not bode at all well with young kiddies. It was a scary experience for her and a good lesson. Some audiences are just not supportive or welcoming of little children. And they are entitled to their views.
Chances are before you had kids you enjoyed a far more debauched festival experience and wouldn’t have appreciated having your style cramped by some bloody selfish parent with her kids in the middle of the dance tent either…
Everyone has a right to a great festival experience and this means different things for different people so just as well that there is such a huge variety of family friendly festivals around – but please leave the ones that don’t welcome families to the domain of the child free!