… it’s that feeling where you’re stood in the middle of a field and the familiar embrace of peace bubble surrounds you, protecting you from the thoughts and worries of the outside world…
… it hits your soul, and it’s so overwhelming that you want to cry…
… or, if you are me, you DO cry!…
Welcome to Blissfields!
I used to think it was only Glasto that emancipates that feeling for me… But it’s not! Without wanting to sound like crazy tree hugging hippy, this ‘feeling’ comes from the very few festivals that ‘Just get it right’. They command the universal energies of Love, Peace, Indigenous Vibes and fking cool music!!!
That’s the medicine… For all you festival organisers – write this at the top of your goals for next year’s festival: Love, Peace, Indigenous Vibes and cool music!!! 😉
Blissfields is no new festival, it’s been going a mighty 15 years… and it’s still not had its soul sucked into overdeveloped corporate crap the size of High Wycombe!
Passionate I know this blog is… but it’s because I LOVED BLISSFIELDS!
Blissfields has so much going for it:
1) Age range – loads and loads of youngsters just finished their A-levels, flowers in their hair, laughing, giggling and embracing their first taste of festival freedom; and families, kids, babies, and old wrinklies too.
2) Atmosphere – Friendly, homely, peaceful, unpretentious, festival community spirited, clean, COOL – very very cool…
3) Music – well, being one of the biggest music geeks around, I thought the line-up was totally awesome – all the music I play on my New Music Discovery Show! Highlights for me were Patrick Wolf, Clock Opera, Crazy P and The Dub Pistols.
4) Size of the site – Manageable, friendly, great layout, easy to find everything – SMALL!
5) Camping – a little ‘compact’ perhaps, BUT a very manageable 5 mins walk to main arena
6) Facilities – plenty of clean loo’s (I didn’t get one wet seat!!! There’s a first for everything!), great mix of fairly priced food, random activities, crazy golf, and lots of clean water taps
Our Highlights:
Watching the wedding on Saturday morning, BAWLING my eyes out – it was simply stunning!
Sat watching Clock Opera at side of the stage with Connie (5)
Interviewing Theme Park and King Charles
Playing fairy hunt in the magical woodlands with the kids, dancing in the smoke (which was really dried ice from a massive spider and bondage dog?!!)…
Climbing the furry wall, drinking coffee and eating pizza in the pizza place…
Hanging out with the kids in the hammock for hours and hours while watching the bands…