Beautiful Days 2022 Review

Beautiful Days 2013 was our first ever family festival. Way back when we were a family of four and still in need of nappies, buggies and all the other paraphernalia of very small children. The fact that I now spend my summers going to multiple festivals and reviewing them here is testament to how much we enjoyed it.

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Camp Bestival Dorset 2022 review

Skeptic to convert!

We had a wonderful first visit to Camp Bestival in Dorset which far surpassed my expectations. 

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Green Gathering 2022 Review

3 years after its last outing, Festival Kidz were delighted to return to the stunning Piercefield park on the Wales/England border. So with car packed and sun hats adorned, Adam and family attended their first Green Gathering to check out why this award winning, eco-conscious, festival was consistently praised among the festival masses.

Green Gathering Festival
The view from the village green
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Valley Fest 2022 Review

My kids have a new favourite thing. It involves a man in a full body chain mail suit, climbing on top of a massive van der graaf generator, and firing lighting from his hands. 

I’m not sure how I’m going to top that this summer.

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Folk by the Oak 2022 Review

Folk by the Oak 2022 couldn’t have come at a better moment.

It was our first little toe dip back into festivals after a long pandemic break. We were eased in with soothing songs and a laid back vibe.

Just as well, with the weather building to its record breaking crescendo a chilled out festival was just what we needed. We even got to go home to our own beds afterwards.

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Timber 2022 Review

Timber for us as a family marks the start of our summer, and all I can say is that it didn’t fall short of our expectations. There is something about the natural beauty of the National Forest, combined with the festival setting that captures our hearts. I am 17 years old and have been going to festivals since day dot, and Timber is one of my favourites and I can assure you it will become a tradition to go.

With a 12 year old brother also, Timber provides both of us with exactly what we need from a festival. I’m currently studying geography at A level, so looking for evidence of sustainable management is engraved into my observations; Timber demonstrates many sustainable approaches and the ethos of respecting and celebrating the landscape is at the heart of the festival.

Nightingale stage
The Nightingale Stage
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bluedot 2022 Review

Out of this world!

It’s some time since we’ve discovered a new festival all the family enjoyed equally. The relatively new but already large-scale bluedot ticked all the boxes as a super well organised family festival and something a little different to the norm.

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Shindig Festival 2022 Review

It’s been a long three years without Shindig Festival and the whole family was incredibly happy to see it finally back. After a day at the festival, one of my twelve year olds exclaimed “This is the friendliest place I’ve been to in a long time! I love it here” and the whole family agreed.

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Black Deer 2022 Review

Black Deer has been awarded several ‘best new festival’ accolades and it’s easy to see why. We had no idea what to expect and deliberately didn’t tune in much to the pre-event festival hype as we were excited to rekindle those ‘first time festival vibes’ with the kids. 

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In It Together 2022 Review

In It Together is a brand new festival for 2022 set in the heart of the Welsh valleys situated next to Mariam Park at Old Park Farm, Neath, Port Talbot.

Girl standing at entrance of In it together entrance
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Beautiful Days 2022 Review

Beautiful Days 2013 was our first ever family festival. Way back when we were a family of four and still in need of nappies, buggies and all the other paraphernalia of very small children. The fact that I now spend my summers going to multiple festivals and reviewing them here is testament to how much we enjoyed it.

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Green Gathering 2022 Review

3 years after its last outing, Festival Kidz were delighted to return to the stunning Piercefield park on the Wales/England border. So with car packed and sun hats adorned, Adam and family attended their first Green Gathering to check out why this award winning, eco-conscious, festival was consistently praised among the festival masses.

Green Gathering Festival
The view from the village green
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Folk by the Oak 2022 Review

Folk by the Oak 2022 couldn’t have come at a better moment.

It was our first little toe dip back into festivals after a long pandemic break. We were eased in with soothing songs and a laid back vibe.

Just as well, with the weather building to its record breaking crescendo a chilled out festival was just what we needed. We even got to go home to our own beds afterwards.

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bluedot 2022 Review

Out of this world!

It’s some time since we’ve discovered a new festival all the family enjoyed equally. The relatively new but already large-scale bluedot ticked all the boxes as a super well organised family festival and something a little different to the norm.

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Black Deer 2022 Review

Black Deer has been awarded several ‘best new festival’ accolades and it’s easy to see why. We had no idea what to expect and deliberately didn’t tune in much to the pre-event festival hype as we were excited to rekindle those ‘first time festival vibes’ with the kids. 

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Camp Bestival Dorset 2022 review

Skeptic to convert!

We had a wonderful first visit to Camp Bestival in Dorset which far surpassed my expectations. 

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Valley Fest 2022 Review

My kids have a new favourite thing. It involves a man in a full body chain mail suit, climbing on top of a massive van der graaf generator, and firing lighting from his hands. 

I’m not sure how I’m going to top that this summer.

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Timber 2022 Review

Timber for us as a family marks the start of our summer, and all I can say is that it didn’t fall short of our expectations. There is something about the natural beauty of the National Forest, combined with the festival setting that captures our hearts. I am 17 years old and have been going to festivals since day dot, and Timber is one of my favourites and I can assure you it will become a tradition to go.

With a 12 year old brother also, Timber provides both of us with exactly what we need from a festival. I’m currently studying geography at A level, so looking for evidence of sustainable management is engraved into my observations; Timber demonstrates many sustainable approaches and the ethos of respecting and celebrating the landscape is at the heart of the festival.

Nightingale stage
The Nightingale Stage
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Shindig Festival 2022 Review

It’s been a long three years without Shindig Festival and the whole family was incredibly happy to see it finally back. After a day at the festival, one of my twelve year olds exclaimed “This is the friendliest place I’ve been to in a long time! I love it here” and the whole family agreed.

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In It Together 2022 Review

In It Together is a brand new festival for 2022 set in the heart of the Welsh valleys situated next to Mariam Park at Old Park Farm, Neath, Port Talbot.

Girl standing at entrance of In it together entrance
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