Top 5 Tips for Buying a Family Tent
It’s time for me to admit something – I’m a tentaholic.
I love looking at tents. You will often find me at festivals wandering around the family camping section, checking out other peoples’ tents with increasing envy.
Choosing a tent is a difficult thing to do – after all this rolled up piece of fabric is the only thing that separates you from the (let’s face it) usually freezing cold and often very wet British weather. So it is important you get the right one for your family.
Top 10 Luxury Camping Items
If money is not a problem you could go all out on some glamping luxury, but that’s not an option for most of us on a small budget.
So instead, here are my Top 10 recommendations for camping gear that will provide you that little bit of extra comfort.
Glamping up the festival experience with boutique camping
A few years ago I wrote about “Glamping” and how much the word (much like Jedward) annoyed me. Also I couldn’t understand why you couldn’t have a bit of luxury in your own tent with a few extras. However as the years have gone on I’ve finally seen the appeal…
Safety and Security at a Festival
Just like anywhere it pays to be mindful and aware of your surroundings and potential risk. In everyday life we are more on our guard but when away in a field with loads of colourful, chilled people and wonderful things going on you tend to let that guard down and be more relaxed Read more…
Essential Information and Advice
All the essential info sheets and tips for taking your family to a festival – all handily linked on one page!
If you are new to the world of festivals, or are taking your children for the very first time, it can be a bit daunting but we are here to help. Here at Festival Kidz, we have a wealth of knowledge and advice to share with families who want to experience the wonderful world of family friendly festivals but aren’t sure where to start… Read more…
Festival Packing List for kids!
My little one proudly announced that she was all ready for WOOD Festival next weekend, and gave me this list!
I love how it shows the things she considers important and yet still contains all the practical stuff like waterproofs, crockery and sheepskins!! Read more…
Trolley Tots – Hire a trolley wagon at a festival near you!
They’ve learned to take the fabulous British weather in their stride when it comes to festivals. Instead of worrying about muddy pushchairs they thought about solutions. This positive attitude is what got them using trolleys and now they want to share the good vibes with you!… Read more…
Good Coffee and Bottle-Feeding!
For my recent trip to VW Whitenoise, I took the opportunity to test and review two products which I felt would be an asset to family camping and festivalling. Read more…
Discarded Tents
Last year, in the pouring rain and gale force winds, I spent several hours at a festival packing discarded tents. All the camping gear (tents, chairs, sleeping bags, roll mats, and water carriers) was destined for local scout groups. It had all been abandoned. Left just as the festival punters had used it, tents up, beds made, chairs in little circles. We packed it all up and loaded up our trailers. Read more…
Post Festival Blues
Post Festival Blues… Is it just me?
It was February 2010 and we were finally fulfilling our dream of owning a VW camper. As regular festival goers, my husband and I had decided that we wanted to share our festival experiences with our children. So after spending many months researching VW’s we were finally on our way to view one. That was the day I fell in love with Dolly, we HAD to have her!
Top 5 Tips for Buying a Family Tent
I love looking at tents. You will often find me at festivals wandering around the family camping section, checking out other peoples’ tents with increasing envy.
Choosing a tent is a difficult thing to do – after all this rolled up piece of fabric is the only thing that separates you from the (let’s face it) usually freezing cold and often very wet British weather. So it is important you get the right one for your family.
Glamping up the festival experience with boutique camping
A few years ago I wrote about “Glamping” and how much the word (much like Jedward) annoyed me. Also I couldn’t understand why you couldn’t have a bit of luxury in your own tent with a few extras. However as the years have gone on I’ve finally seen the appeal…
Essential Information and Advice
All the essential info sheets and tips for taking your family to a festival – all handily linked on one page!
If you are new to the world of festivals, or are taking your children for the very first time, it can be a bit daunting but we are here to help. Here at Festival Kidz, we have a wealth of knowledge and advice to share with families who want to experience the wonderful world of family friendly festivals but aren’t sure where to start… Read more…
Trolley Tots – Hire a trolley wagon at a festival near you!
They’ve learned to take the fabulous British weather in their stride when it comes to festivals. Instead of worrying about muddy pushchairs they thought about solutions. This positive attitude is what got them using trolleys and now they want to share the good vibes with you!… Read more…
Discarded Tents
Last year, in the pouring rain and gale force winds, I spent several hours at a festival packing discarded tents. All the camping gear (tents, chairs, sleeping bags, roll mats, and water carriers) was destined for local scout groups. It had all been abandoned. Left just as the festival punters had used it, tents up, beds made, chairs in little circles. We packed it all up and loaded up our trailers. Read more…
Top 10 Luxury Camping Items
If money is not a problem you could go all out on some glamping luxury, but that’s not an option for most of us on a small budget.
So instead, here are my Top 10 recommendations for camping gear that will provide you that little bit of extra comfort.
Safety and Security at a Festival
Festival Packing List for kids!
My little one proudly announced that she was all ready for WOOD Festival next weekend, and gave me this list!
I love how it shows the things she considers important and yet still contains all the practical stuff like waterproofs, crockery and sheepskins!! Read more…
Good Coffee and Bottle-Feeding!
For my recent trip to VW Whitenoise, I took the opportunity to test and review two products which I felt would be an asset to family camping and festivalling. Read more…
Post Festival Blues
Post Festival Blues… Is it just me?
It was February 2010 and we were finally fulfilling our dream of owning a VW camper. As regular festival goers, my husband and I had decided that we wanted to share our festival experiences with our children. So after spending many months researching VW’s we were finally on our way to view one. That was the day I fell in love with Dolly, we HAD to have her!