Angel Gardens
No dates for future events
Location: Vicarage Farm, nr Winchester, Hampshire
Size: 4,000 - small and intimate
2018 Blissfields will be a small and intimate affair but will run for 3 days instead of 2! Find out more about Blissfields presents Blisscamp…
Highlights for Families include Angel Gardens: a wonderful space for families and adults alike and everyone will find something to suit, even if it’s just a quiet space to reflect for a while. They will bring arts, crafts, workshops and amazing spaces to the weekend. Run by folk who work for love not money they have built up a great following at festivals across the country.
Lifetime Achievement Award 2022
This year for our Festival Kidz Awards, we asked you to vote for your favourite festivals, but also also to vote for the often overlooked side of our family friendly festival experience. Those people who entertain and look after our children. The names you look for in the kids’ field festival line up.
But one stalwart of the festival circuit was not eligible to enter. Because last year, a quiet announcement on a crew page marked the end of Angel Gardens, a kids’ area that was a big part of the festival scene for a long time. Although they may continue to attend some events, they have decided they will no longer run the kids’ field at festivals.
So we would like to give the very first Festival Kidz Lifetime Achievement Award to Angel Gardens.

Our 2017 Festival Highlights
Our festival highlights – Eloise (10) Charlotte (7) & Amelie (7)
The summer of 2017 was amazing. We had rain, we had mud, we had boiling hot sunshine… Yet we managed to dance our way through everything the British weather decided to throw at us.
We made new friends, we had paint fights, we learned to both throw and catch the diabolo, and most of all we found enjoyment in squelching through the mud!
Heavenly Bliss…fields
We talked to Angel Sam, of Angel Gardens who run the special kids’ area, about what she has in store this year. Read more…
In the Fields of Bliss and Angels
The children’s area run by Angel Gardens is undoubtedly the highlight for families, and so Blissfields secured us an exclusive interview with the lovely Angel Sam – she talks about Blissfields, working at festivals, gaining a sense of belonging and the importance of spare socks.
Blissfields 2013 Review
Blissfields is exactly the right size for a family festival and with an atmosphere so friendly you will instantly feel part of a community. It is neither too big that your children will get lost or too small that there is nothing to do.
Bearded Theory 2013 Parent Review
Bearded Theory 2013 was my 2nd ever festival.
Sitting near a river, listening to a waterfall (all very safely fenced off), whilst the kids play under a huge ancient tree, was a million miles away from anything I expected my first Bearded experience to be.
Oliver Bear
Oliver Bear will be going to Bearded Theory, Blissfields, Wilderness, Glastonbury, Secret Garden Party and Latitude this summer.
Within Angel Gardens, kids can hear the story of Oliver – a Bear who lived at home with a boy, but boy grew up leaving Oliver feeling unloved and lonely. On meeting Trixie the Magic Caravan, Oliver Bear visits loads of different festivals until he finds a new place and new friends to enjoy.
Angel Gardens 2014
This year Angel Gardens have looked at everything that parents need to help them get children through a weekend in a field as well as ensuring we have a good set of activities, workshops and entertainment that helps you work together as a family as well as learning new stuff as individuals.
Read more…
The Magic Loungeabout 2012 Review
July 27-29th 2012, Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorkshire
Reviewers: The Hogan Family (Mike, Gaelle, Celeste & Lily) & The Wharton family (Mark, Louise, Maddy & Maisie)
We were very excited about “the Loungeabout”, and with good reason: we were eager to see what looked like one of the most interesting line-ups of music and entertainment in the festival calendar, located in a serene part of Yorkshire, and we were helping our friends break their (adulthood) festival cherry.
We spent many hours poring through the recommendations on to find the most suitable festival that would meet the needs of our two families; a good mix of live music, lots of activities for the kids and within 3 hours drive of Merseyside. The promise of a “refined unwind” at the Magic Loungeabout with its heavy focus on family friendly activities is what won us though.
No dates for future events
Location: Vicarage Farm, nr Winchester, Hampshire
Size: 4,000 - small and intimate
2018 Blissfields will be a small and intimate affair but will run for 3 days instead of 2! Find out more about Blissfields presents Blisscamp…
Highlights for Families include Angel Gardens: a wonderful space for families and adults alike and everyone will find something to suit, even if it’s just a quiet space to reflect for a while. They will bring arts, crafts, workshops and amazing spaces to the weekend. Run by folk who work for love not money they have built up a great following at festivals across the country.
Our 2017 Festival Highlights
Our festival highlights – Eloise (10) Charlotte (7) & Amelie (7)
The summer of 2017 was amazing. We had rain, we had mud, we had boiling hot sunshine… Yet we managed to dance our way through everything the British weather decided to throw at us.
We made new friends, we had paint fights, we learned to both throw and catch the diabolo, and most of all we found enjoyment in squelching through the mud!
In the Fields of Bliss and Angels
The children’s area run by Angel Gardens is undoubtedly the highlight for families, and so Blissfields secured us an exclusive interview with the lovely Angel Sam – she talks about Blissfields, working at festivals, gaining a sense of belonging and the importance of spare socks.
Bearded Theory 2013 Parent Review
Bearded Theory 2013 was my 2nd ever festival.
Sitting near a river, listening to a waterfall (all very safely fenced off), whilst the kids play under a huge ancient tree, was a million miles away from anything I expected my first Bearded experience to be.
Angel Gardens 2014
This year Angel Gardens have looked at everything that parents need to help them get children through a weekend in a field as well as ensuring we have a good set of activities, workshops and entertainment that helps you work together as a family as well as learning new stuff as individuals.
Read more…
Lifetime Achievement Award 2022
This year for our Festival Kidz Awards, we asked you to vote for your favourite festivals, but also also to vote for the often overlooked side of our family friendly festival experience. Those people who entertain and look after our children. The names you look for in the kids’ field festival line up.
But one stalwart of the festival circuit was not eligible to enter. Because last year, a quiet announcement on a crew page marked the end of Angel Gardens, a kids’ area that was a big part of the festival scene for a long time. Although they may continue to attend some events, they have decided they will no longer run the kids’ field at festivals.
So we would like to give the very first Festival Kidz Lifetime Achievement Award to Angel Gardens.

Heavenly Bliss…fields
We talked to Angel Sam, of Angel Gardens who run the special kids’ area, about what she has in store this year. Read more…
Blissfields 2013 Review
Blissfields is exactly the right size for a family festival and with an atmosphere so friendly you will instantly feel part of a community. It is neither too big that your children will get lost or too small that there is nothing to do.
Oliver Bear
Oliver Bear will be going to Bearded Theory, Blissfields, Wilderness, Glastonbury, Secret Garden Party and Latitude this summer.
Within Angel Gardens, kids can hear the story of Oliver – a Bear who lived at home with a boy, but boy grew up leaving Oliver feeling unloved and lonely. On meeting Trixie the Magic Caravan, Oliver Bear visits loads of different festivals until he finds a new place and new friends to enjoy.
The Magic Loungeabout 2012 Review
July 27-29th 2012, Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorkshire
Reviewers: The Hogan Family (Mike, Gaelle, Celeste & Lily) & The Wharton family (Mark, Louise, Maddy & Maisie)
We were very excited about “the Loungeabout”, and with good reason: we were eager to see what looked like one of the most interesting line-ups of music and entertainment in the festival calendar, located in a serene part of Yorkshire, and we were helping our friends break their (adulthood) festival cherry.
We spent many hours poring through the recommendations on to find the most suitable festival that would meet the needs of our two families; a good mix of live music, lots of activities for the kids and within 3 hours drive of Merseyside. The promise of a “refined unwind” at the Magic Loungeabout with its heavy focus on family friendly activities is what won us though.